Tip from me to you - Keep those priorities in order! What order? #1 God, #2 Hubby, #3 Children, #4 Your Local Church, then everybody else. I am guilty of recently getting mine skewd about, so careful there sisters!
Psalms 128 is a picture of a family happy and content with each other and in the Lord. Read the whole short chapter, but we will focus on verses 1 & 3. The Living Bible Translation. "Blessings on all who reverence and trust the Lord-on all who obey Him.... Your wife shall be contented in your home."
Okay, blessings on ALL who reverence, trust and obey the Lord. That includes me and you. That is why it is so important to make sure we are the women, wives, mothers, friends, etc. that He desires us to be. And there is just no way to know that, to be that without Bible study and prayer. Now by context, this was applied to a man who led his household in this lifestyle. If you have a man like that, praise the Lord for Him and thank him. If your husband isn't there yet, then claim it for yourself as the spiritual head of the household by default. Do all you can to honor God as a spouse. He will bless it and use it, perhaps even to get your husbands attention and get him on track. (Notice I said God would use it, not you. There is nothing more unappealing than a wife (or hubby) on a soapbox.) Let your actions honor Him and then His Spirit can use your actions in the hearts and lives of others.
Content wives. Is that an oxymoron?! Just kidding. Half the battle is in the mind. The glass can be half full or half empty. If you are a child of God you should know that it truly is always on the full side. There is always more. It will never run out. He is inexhaustable!
But pratically, no matter how content or discontent you are, express your contentment to your husband. Let him know the things your appreciate in him. Look for and seize every chance to affirm his actions. Bite your tongue some when you're not so content. You really do catch more flies with honey than vinegar! So sweeten it up. Pour a little sugar on it. Unless he really is from Mars, he will appreciate it and respond to it in positive way to get more of it.
May God bless you all!
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